Budapest’s wine bars have changed a lot. Some closed, new ones opened, but a few seem to be eternal.
For anyone who asks, I’m already listing the epitome of constancy (at least in the sense that they have been serving wine lovers in essentially unchanged places and ways for many years. Kadarka, Dobló in the party district. Zengő on the Mikszáth square, Drop Shop near Jászai, Palack wine bar on Gellért Square, DiVino at the Basilica (and for a few years now also in the Gozsdu courtyard) D.O.C. for Italian wine lovers. I know there are other wine bars in Budapest, and I can even list a few: Kóstolom, Szalonspicc, Ménesi Borbár, Vinikli, Takler Borbár Buda, St. Andrea, Gepárd és Űrhajó and I could go on. But I will introduce my favorite ones in this article and append other favorites every month to the bottom of this list.